Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Being different

Some people in this world think if your different your weird or have no friends. And look down on you for trying to veer from the path taken by society. I think being different is good. But when I say that I don't mean be different as in all the 90 percent of the hipsters in our school. They just be different to try and go against society. I mean be different as in be yourself. The great thing about that is no one can tell you your doing that wrong because only you knows your full potential. So stop trying to be like him or her. Or be the opposite of that group and look the most different so that you stand out. There's a quote I try and live my life like "Never surrender, it's all about the faith you got: don't ever stop, just push it till you hit the top and if you drop, at least you know you gave it your all to be true to you, that way you can never fail." I like this because like what he said in the last line if your true to yourself then you can never fail. 

1 comment:

  1. "No one can tell you you're doing it wrong because only you know how."

    I hate being told I'm wrong, there's the end and answer to it.
