Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Step by step to have swag

Step 1. 
Buy stay dirty, diamond, obey, huff, crooks and castles clothing brands. 
Always look good. It doesn't matter if your just hanging with your bros, you never know who's around the corner!
Confidence is key. 
You have to keep the eye on the prize. 
Swag don't come cheap. 

Being different

Some people in this world think if your different your weird or have no friends. And look down on you for trying to veer from the path taken by society. I think being different is good. But when I say that I don't mean be different as in all the 90 percent of the hipsters in our school. They just be different to try and go against society. I mean be different as in be yourself. The great thing about that is no one can tell you your doing that wrong because only you knows your full potential. So stop trying to be like him or her. Or be the opposite of that group and look the most different so that you stand out. There's a quote I try and live my life like "Never surrender, it's all about the faith you got: don't ever stop, just push it till you hit the top and if you drop, at least you know you gave it your all to be true to you, that way you can never fail." I like this because like what he said in the last line if your true to yourself then you can never fail. 

Bricks and Love

In class you asked us to try and connect bricks and love, but I thought to myself, What can you use with a brick that I can use with love. But then I got thinking how It's funny how bricks are some of the strongest building materials but at the same time can be broken down with the slightest touch if not build right. Love is the strongest emotion humans possess, and also like the bricks if not built up right can come crashing down from the smallest obstacles. You have to have a good foundation in order for anything in your life to work. If you look in movies look at Romeo and Juliet their love was unbreakable because their foundation was off of pure love. They didn't care about what others thought or did around them. As long as they had eachother, that's all they needed. 

Monday, October 13, 2014


             Husband                                     Wife        
    Girlfriend                 Roses        Chocolates          Boyfriend
 Compassion                           Love                                    Heart 
  Dating                                                                              Marriage
 Hugs                                                                                       Kisses
  Kids                                                                                    Family
    Truth                                                                                Trust
      Affection                                                            Tenderness
        Sweat                                                                    Loving
         Friendship                                                    Beloved
            Caring                                                     Sharing
                 Faith                                                 Respect 
                     Happiness                              Kindness
                         Feelings                               Flirting
                           Romance                   Friendship
                               Internal               External